Thursday, January 8, 2009

Luobo si bing 蘿蔔絲餅 and cong you dan bing 蔥油蛋餅

Yes, another food post, this is just indicative of what I am doing...other than my main task, all there is is food. These babies come from a little stand some distance from my place. They have four items:
Luobo si bing (shredded radish filled fried bread)(pictured)
Hongdou bing 紅豆餅 (red bean filled fried bread)
Cong you bing (diced onion flavored fried bread)
Cong you dan bing (diced onion flavored fried bread with a fried egg added)(pictured)

This place always has a huge line, it takes about 20 minuted to make it to the front but it is worth it. This palace is particularly good, the filling is well composed, the bread is airy, and it is nearly deep fried so it is very crispy on the out side but steamy bready underneath! Not to be eaten everyday but from time to time.